Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reasons For The Christian Refugees - 852 Words

Why Christian Refugees? Firstly it is the call of my heart to help inform others and assist my brothers and sisters in Christ the best way I can. As Saint Paul put it: â€Å"And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.† (Corinthians 12:26, KJV). I feel a sadness knowing what they are suffering, particularly since it seems as if the Christian refugees have been forgotten, along with those from other religious minorities. There are plenty of majority Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Dubai, that aren’t taking any refugees. Surely it makes more sense for Muslim refugees to go another country that is culturally similar to where they came from, then to travel half-way around the world to a country so different, it must seem like another planet. Christian refugees on the other hand even if admitted to these countries wouldn’t be safe. As much as the idea of Christianity leaving its birth place pains me, the possibility of these people being wiped out is simply too great a risk for them to remain. Secondly, as individuals we cannot help everyone, which is why the Lord gives us all different burdens upon our hearts: Some are drawn to the plight of the orphaned child, others to deliver the gospel to those who have yet to know the love of Christ. And this the plight of the Christian refugee and the persecuted church, is just one of mine. The Western church as a whole seems hesitant to reach out toShow MoreRelatedThe Refugees Crisis : The Causes Of The Refugee Crisis1705 Words   |  7 Pagesof displaced human beings, who could be either internally displaced persons, refugees or other migrants, the incidents in their country of origin, or to problems while on the move, or it can refer to problems in the hosting countries after arrival involving large groups of displaced persons, asylum seekers or exiles. In June 2015 the United Nations refugee agency reported that wars and persecutions are the main reasons behind the refugee crises all over the world. A decade earlier, six people wereRead MoreThe Syrian Refugee Crisis And The Middle East1507 Words   |  7 Pagesstop immigrants from using America’s resources. Each one of these arguments can be justified and deserves attention, but everyone needs to consider what will happen to these refugees if help is refused to them. With that being said, it’s safe to say that war, discrimination, and terror attacks are causing the Syrian refugees to be evacuated from their homes, and it’s every person’s obligation to help them. Getting into the guts and glory of war isn’t the objective of this paper. Rather, this paperRead MoreSyrian Refugees Of The United States895 Words   |  4 Pagesthe moment they realize the distinction in their hearts, hates Americans, hates Jews, and hates Christians. For as long as I can remember, I have felt tormented and at war, and have felt hatred and animosity for Americans,† Osama Bin Laden. Syrian refugees crossing the border is currently the headline of every news station. If allowed into America, every human life could be affected. Syrian refugees should not be allowed to enter into the United States because the threat they pose is greater thanRead MoreA Need For Peaceful Refuge1356 Words   |  6 Pageslive, find happiness, or experience societal needs. While some may have generally one motive for their migration, most will inhabit some other reasons for moving from their homeland. A current issue in today’s world is the crisis occurring in the Middle East. People in that area are having land disputes for, mainly, both cultural and economic reasons. 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Company CEO Guenter Burkhardt said the country’s policy of forcing refugees to remain in mass accommodation sites for protracted periods only serves to provoke extremists† (The Washington Times, 2015). The big idea was that Germany was trying to tackle the obstacle that these Syrian refugees are facing presently. However, the German government would have to spend so much to accommodate th ese aliens. Another way to look at whatRead MoreBook Report : Escaping North Korea1673 Words   |  7 PagesChina-Korea boarder, had his own financial planning business but one trip to China changed his world drastically. After hearing the stories of North Korean refugees, Kim found his calling to help these refugees escape a tyrant leadership and create a new life for themselves. Kim in writing Escaping North Korea described his experiences in aiding these refugees escape a repressive country. Escaping North Korea addresses the aspects of life in North Korea that led for them to escape, the problems they faceRead MoreWho Should Determine Refugee Policy870 Words   |  4 Pagesfundamental definition of refugees include natural disaster, war, class oppression, national oppression, religious, racial discrimination, change of borders and so on. They were forced to leave their homeland because of some or all of the possible reasons. And the United Stated have been working towards the largest refugee camp in the world due to U.S. policy and diplomacy. After the mid 1970s, a prominent American immigration policy issue facing the problem of refugees, especially after the endRead MoreBrianna Sparks. Mr. Zingale, Mr. Lehman. Us History, Language1685 Words   |  7 Pagesthe first amendment of the Constitution, but also other federal laws. However, Trump has good intention, for he wants to protect the welfare and safety of our country. On January 17, 2017, President Trump signed the Executive Order that bans Syrian refugees and the majority of Muslim countries from entering the US for 90 days; those countries are: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan. The Executive Order links a connection to terrorism, particularly to the attack on September 11, 2001Read MoreShould Our Democracy Let Syrian Immigrants Into The United States?1654 Words   |  7 Pagespressure is being put on many of the the world powers to give Syrian refugees a safe haven inside their countries. However, with taking in these refugees comes risk. America has always been a beacon for immigrants of all races and ethnicities for ages, but with the rise of a new terrorist group, with an obvious vendetta against America, the United States is having a difficult time determining whether or not it is safe to let these refugees into the country. Americans are faced with a decision. We can close

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